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Nexus at Silverado is based in scientific findings that show certain activities and lifestyles can lead to a healthier brain and improved cognitive function. To see how these findings affect the brain and how they are incorporated into the Nexus program, browse the videos linked from this page.

Above: World-Renowned Dementia Expert Talks about Nexus – Jeff Cummings, MD, ScD, and Director of the Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health at the Cleveland Clinic is widely considered among the most knowledgeable authorities in the field of dementia. Watch him discuss the importance of Nexus and a brain-healthy lifestyle as a means for helping individuals living with dementia.

The Experts Speak

How Purposeful Social Activities Help those Living with Dementia

Watch Silverado Medical Director John A. Bertelson, MD, explain how social activity and strong social connections can change how dementia affects the brain

How the Technology of Specialized Digital Programs Fits with Nexus

See Senior Vice President, Clinical Services Kim Butrum, MS, RN, GNP, explain how using technology can help brain processing speed and auditory response in those living with dementia.

The Beneficial Effects of Exercise on the Brain

Watch Richard London, MD, Silverado Medical Director, explain how exercise may be far more beneficial for the brain than previously believed.

How Reducing Stress can Help Keep Dementia Symptoms at Bay

Watch Silverado Medical Director Hicham Siouty, MD, discuss types of stress reduction exercises, how they are used and how they benefit Nexus participants.

How Cognitive Exercises can Help Individuals with Dementia

Watch Silverado Medical Director Ricardo G. Senno, MD, MS, FAAPMR, explain how certain activities can reinforce cognitive abilities and may help resist some dementia symptoms.