Our Stories are Our Purpose Our Stories are Our Purpose

Our Stories are Our Purpose

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A Love Story

Cecil Love had been in the hospital for about seven weeks with end-stage Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. The doctors encouraged his wife, Marylyn, to seek a facility to help her and the family prepare for Cecil’s impending death. Then they found Silverado.

After a touring a Silverado community, Marylyn was convinced it was the right place for Cecil. Prior to moving in, Cecil was bedridden, unable to feed or care for himself and covered with bedsores.

During his first few days at Silverado Cecil was moved from his bed to a wheelchair daily and his medications were evaluated and adjusted. He began to move about in his wheelchair with assistance, and could eat some meals with the other residents. Before long he could even use his walker for short distances. After only a couple of weeks, Cecil had come back to life.

Each night when Marylyn came to visit she witnessed more progress. Marylyn commented “I attribute his improvement to the wonderful care he receives at Silverado. The nurses and staff are totally engaged with each of the residents. They treat them with respect and love. They have encouraged Cecil to build his strength through assistance and praise. “

After six weeks, Cecil could be found enjoying dinner, conversation and activities with fellow residents. His bedsores had healed, along with his spirit.