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Celebrating Kwanzaa at Silverado Beverly Place

One of Silverado's cornerstone ideals is celebrating uniqueness - of individuals, but also of families and cultures. A wonderful example of this is the time Silverado Beverly Place got into the spirit of Kwanzaa! The community in Los Angeles was visited by dancers and drummers from African Soul International (ASI) to celebrate the holiday. Our residents experienced the beautiful art and culture of Africa.

One resident in particular, Julia, felt a deeper connection as this culture was the one she grew up in. “I was very impressed with the Kwanzaa celebration. Kudos to Silverado for incorporating industry leaders of African Dance, Drum, and Culture into the Kwanzaa program,” Julia’s daughter pointed out, “Watching my mother express herself through the dance of her ancestors in pure joy melted my heart. She is truly living her best life and I thank Silverado for providing the platform for her to do so.”

The daughter, Juresha, happens to be acquaintances with Dr. Jewel Jackson, the founder of ASI, and mentioned that one of the drummers is even a world-famous drummer from West Africa! The true beauty of this celebration was that no matter what religious or cultural background, every single person in that room vibrated together in happiness, love, peace and unity. It was truly a magical moment.